Pioneer Museum hosts First Saturday Living History Days on the first Saturday of each month from 10AM - 3PM. Living history interpreters, from the Frontier History Company Foundation, will be on site at Pioneer Museum and the Historic Jail. Handwerkers showcasing various types of handwork projects, like needlepoint, bobbin lace, embroidery, cross stitch, knitting and crochet, will be at Pioneer Museum from 10AM - Noon.
On the third Saturday of each month, Spinners will be at Pioneer Museum spinning yarn with drop spindles and spinning wheels.
Spring Break Week (mid-March) and Founder’s Day (early May) are extra special Living History Days featuring the Frontier History Company Foundation as well as blacksmiths, rope makers, chuckwagon cooks, spinners, handwerkers, corn shellers and more!
Presentations are included with purchase of Day Pass.
​See upcoming events below.